Familiar Items

Physical Items that help to tell the story of DPF 4-H Camp’s history

What is an Artifact?

An artifact is an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.

Items in this gallery include:

Newspaper articles, keepsake items, patches, song sheets, and more.

We would love to include your artifacts too!

Snap a photo of an old staff shirt, button, pin, etc… and send it via the Alumni Facebook group

Cornell Chicken

Love that Cornell chicken, scale for the group size, and enjoy!


  • Cornell Chicken is as much about the seasoning as it is about the preparation and process.

  • The cooking process includes carefully managing the heat of the flames by adding water to cool or wood and coals to warm to ensure the meal is cooked to perfection.

  • The chicken is basted several times through the cook process.

  • Maintaining a consistent cook temperature is accomplished by flipping to ensure evenly cooked on both sides, and monitoring the internal temperature of each piece.

  • This is a slow cook process, where the outside of the chicken achieves a signature crisp while still maintaining a juicy inside.

  • The chicken, salad bar, sides, hot dogs, and juice are then enjoyed picnic style in the sun and shade.

  • This proud tradition continues to this day, and for many, is the highlight meal of the week!

Dorothy P Flint Portrait


  • This portrait of Dorothy P Flint used to be displayed at the Nature Center.

  • Today, this portrait hangs proudly in the Wildwood Lodge on the wall left of the fireplace.

Pine Tree Lodge Basement Brick

Submitted: Rob Castora


  • This brick is from the iconic Pine Tree Lodge basement.

  • The basement was painted white with green outlines of staff members in playful poses decorating the walls.

  • This well-liked structure was located south of the Cliff House and west of the steps leading to the beach.

Artifacts Collection

Submitted: Janice Affen Reardon


A great collection of patches, pins, certificates of achievement, ribbons, and photos!

4-H Camp Quilt

Submitted: Elizabeth Agro Radday


Here's a t-shirt quilt I made with t-shirts from the 90's - some staff banquet shirts, staff shirts and shirts I bought at Canteen as a camper!

Camp Map

Submitted: Larry Berger


  • What’s your favorite place at DPF 4-H Camp?

  • Click the map to zoom in!

Cedar Crafts

Submitted: Brian Workman


A few things my brother kept from our grandmother’s cedar craft class in Pinetree

Cedar heart, some were on a wound string worn as a necklace, cedar ring.

Camp 4-H Keychain

Circa: 1970s

Show your Camp 4-H pride with this fashionable key chain.


  • The front of the keychain states: Genuine 4 Leaf Clover”

  • The back of the keychain displays the 4-H logo in gold.

Camp 4-H Pendant Bracelet

Circa: 1970s

Camp 4-H Pendant Collection

Circa: Late 1950s - 1960s

Submitted: Alice Kirchheimer Lambert

Camp 4-H Ring

Pendant Clover

Submitted: Kelly O’Callaghan

Pendant Spirit Award

Submitted: Kelly O’Callaghan

Staff Badge, Bracelet, Patch, Bread Pin

Circa: 1956 - 1965

Submitted: Vivian Hermann Singer


  • The Honor cabin patch is estimated to be from 1956

  • The bracelet is estimated to be from 1963

Camp 4-H Buttons

Submitted: Anita Domin


  • Larger Green: “I Support the Dorothy P. Flint, 4-H Science Center”

  • Small Green: “4-H Alumnus”

I Love 4-H Camp - Garfield Sticker

Circa: 1994

Submitted: Ariel Feigenbaum


  • Garfield loves 4-H Camp too!

Hug a Cow Sticker

Circa: 1994

Submitted: Ariel Feigenbaum


  • Support your local farmers

Car Window Cling

Submitted: Kelly O’Callaghan

Circa: 1980s - 1990s

4-H Camp License Plate

Submitted: Larry Berger

DPF 4-H Camp Post Card

Submitted: Kelly O’Callaghan

Circa: 1980s - 1990s

About: This item was at the Canteen (camp store) for campers to use to tell their friends and family about their great summer at Camp 4-H.

Songs Sheets and Records

Grace Cards

We love to sing at Camp 4-H!


  • Music has always been an important part of 4-H Camp. Whether it be songs at Council Fire, on the way to the waterfront, Cabin Night, or at meal time.

  • While the practice of song continues to be an important part of who we are as a camp, it is also juxtaposed with the other core values such as progress, change and inclusion.

  • While the historical songs used at meal times have been retired, we still to this day continue this tradition with the Underwear song, which helps us achieve the balance of song and community as well as inclusion, progress and change.

National 4-H Song Book


  • Original Copyright date 1938 / 1939

  • ~100 pages of classic 4-H songs

Camp Stories, and Counselors Manual

Submitted: Kelly Brinley


  • A great collection of Camp Stories, Legends and Poems

  • Dorothy P. Flint Nassau County 4-H Camp Counselors Manual

Camp 4-H Record

Circa early 1970s

Listen to your favorite Camp 4-H songs with this two sided record.

Side 1

  1. Colors Flying; Each Campfire Lights Anew; Round our Council Fire

  2. My Love Loves Me; Dust Pan; Walk Shepardess Walk

  3. Hyro Jerome; Tell Me Why; All Night; All Day

  4. Rose, Rose; Dona, Dona; Shadows of Memories

  5. 4-H Chorale; Climb Every Mountain; Bless This Camp

Camp 4-H Record

Circa early 1970s

Listen to your favorite Camp 4-H songs with this two sided record.

Side 2

  1. Canoe Song; Peace of the River; God Gave the Wisemen

  2. Horsey, Horsey; Rabbit Foo Foo; Cuckoo Song

  3. What Aloha Means; Praise Be the Lord; Tender Shepherd

  4. If Your’re Happy; This Land is Your Land; Medley

  5. Cruel War; Rocka My Soul; Kum Ba Yah

  6. I’ve Got a Little Pile of Tin 500 Miles; Michael Row the Boat Ashore

Camp 4-H Record

Circa early 1970s

Listen to your favorite Camp 4-H songs with this two sided record.


  • The sleeve for the Camp 4-H record was unique in that it featured photographs taken at DPF 4-H Camp in Riverhead, New York

  • Look carefully at the images and you may see some familiar places or activites!

Historical Handbooks


Want to view the CURRENT Camper Handbook?


Camping Return During Covid

The 2021 Parent-Camper Handbook displays the temporary changes that were instituted to maintain safety for campers and staff during this unprecedented historical time.


  • All Summer Camps and extra curricular activities in New York in 2020 were closed due to a worldwide outbreak of Covid-19?

  • At the time, we were still learning daily about the virus and it’s transmission and significant efforts were being made to slow the spread of the virus, which included closing schools, restaurants, non essential stores, concerts and sporting events, and yes, sleep away camps.

  • This artifact was submitted to this gallery because it marked the first year that camp was permitted to reopen during the pandemic.

  • Inside you will find several interesting notes about how we were able to alter the day-to-day camp program to address pandemic concerns and ensure safety for our campers and our staff.


Want to view the CURRENT Camper Handbook?


Camp Brochure - Front


  • This incredible artifact is the 35th anniversary brochure for the Summer Camp program.

  • You can see that the name of the camp is “Camp 4-H”. This is because it wasn’t until 1970 that the camp was officially designated as “Dorothy P. Flint 4-H camp”.


Want to view the CURRENT Camper Handbook?


Camp Brochure - Back


  • Read about the wide array of activities available in the 35th anniversary brochure for the Summer Camp program.

  • Check out these timeless activities that have been enjoyed for over 60 years and are still going strong!

Articles and Announcements


Help us pave the way for DPF 4-H Camp

Circa: October 2011

2000 - 2010


Vesper Summer 2006

Issue 1

Circa: 2006

1990 - 1999


Camp Team Hired

Winter 1996


Donald J O’Callaghan Retirement

August 31 1995


Pioneers of Camping - by Marilyn R. Meyer

May 1991


Alumni Day

September 7 1991

1970 - 1979


DPF Science Conference Center

July 30 1972

  • Over 500 persons witnessed the culmination of a dream - the dedication of the Dorothy P. Flint Science Conference Center, at the 4-H Camp near Riverhead.

  • Nassau County Executive Ralph G Caso unveiled the beautiful, hand-painted portrait of this wonderful woman, as birds sand and the sun showed through the trees.

  • This portrait continues to be preserved in the Wildwood Lodge over 50 years later!


Marilyn R. Meyer Presented with a 4-H Distinguished Service Award

December 1970


Dorothy P Flint Testimonial Dinner

July 17 1970


Dorothy P Flint Retirement

April 1 1970


Hennenlotter Wedding

March 1970

1960 - 1969


Donald J O’Callaghan Hired

October 1964


George E. Burkhardt 4-H Arboretum Dedication

July 12 1964

3:30 PM


Edranel 4-H Camp Flagpole Dedication

July 12 1964

2:15 PM


Camp Weekends

October 1964


The Passing of George Burkhardt

May 29 1963


Camp Weekends

October 1963


Wildwood Lodge Dedication

July 27 1962


Building Wildwood Camp

May 1962


Farm Progress

May 1960

1950 - 1959


The Story of Tantyo / Ojishanda

August 1958


The Vesper Service

August 1958

1940 - 1949


Baiting Hollow

June 1940


  • The Summer program is structured as 3 weeks for boys camp and 5 weeks for girls camp.

  • Boys Camp Sessions: June 30 - July 20

  • Girls Camp Sessions: July 21 - August 24

  • Leaders Camp Sessions: August 24 - September 3

1930 - 1939


Wildwood State Park

June 1939


  • Girls Camp:

    • Sessions: July 1 - July 22

    • Director: Dorothy P Flint

    • Cook: Grace St. John

  • Boys Camp:

    • Sessions: July 23 - August 5

    • Director: George Burkhardt

    • Cook: Grace St. John

Historical Patches

4-H Camp Patch and Postcard Collection


  • Patches were huge in the 1970s - 1990s!

  • This great collection features 10 historical patches and 1 great post card.

4-H Camp Patch

Boys 4-H Camp

4-H Camp Patch

4-H Club Camp

4-H Camp Patch

Nassau County 4-H Camp

4-H Camp Patch

Nassau County 4-H Camp

4-H Camp Patch

Nassau County 4-H Camp

4-H Camp Patch

Nassau County 4-H Camp

It’s….. Honor Cabin time….. It’s Honor Cabin time….. It’s Honor Cabin time!


  • Honor Cabin is a long standing tradition of recognizing one cabin per week throughout the summer for their exceptional display of leadership.

  • To receive one of these patches meant that your cabin was kept neat, that capers were completed, and that your cabin set a great example of the core principals of Camp 4-H!

  • Honor Cabin is awarded at the Council Fire on the last evening of an encampment.

4-H Camp Patch

Nassau County 4-H Camp

Circa: 1986